Monday, December 20, 2010

Pasta with Cheese

Another Rasyad's favorite! Very easy, healthy, contain all ingredients a baby needs and very delicious. Moms and Dads can have it for lunch or dinner. 

Pasta with Cheese

Ingredients for one time meal
- 50 grams pasta (all kind, in the picture I use conchiglie rigate -shell pasta-)
- Vegetables (we can use carrots, broccoli, etc), steam or boiled prior to use.

For the Cheese Sauce
- Half table spoon of unsulted butter
- Half table spoon of cornstarch 
- 50 ml of milk
- 50 grams of shredded cheese
- Pinch of pepper

How to make: 
- For pasta: boil water and cook the pasta until tender, set aside. 
- For cheese sauce:
1. Using low fire, melt the unsulted butter, enter the cornstarch gradually, enter the milk, keep stirring
2. Enter the cheese and pepper, keep stirring until well mix, and boiled.
3. Pour over the pasta and vegetables. 

Terjemahan bebasnya adalah sebagai berikut ya. 

- 50 gram pasta (yang di foto itu saya pakai pasta kerang), rebus sampai matang, sisihkan.
- Sayuran (bisa wortel yang dicacah dan/atau brokoli), rebus atau kukus terlebih dahulu, sisihkan.

Bahan Saus Keju:
- 1/2 sdm unsulted butter
- 1/2 sdm tepung maizena
- 50 ml susu
- 50 gram keju parut
- Sejumput lada

Cara buat Saus Keju: 
1. Dengan api kecil, lelehkan butter, masukkan tepung maizena sedikit demi sedikit, masukkan susu sambil terus diaduk. 
2. Masukkan keju dan lada, terus aduk sampai tercampur rata dan mendidih.
3. Angkat saus, tuangkan pada pasta dan sayuran yang sudah tercampur.

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