Monday, December 20, 2010

Pasta with Spinach

Pasta with Spinach for Rasyad' lunch
Cleaning up (almost) everything is one of my favorite activities. Yes, maybe I read too much of Cinderella. LOL. The thing is, doing this you'll never know what you'll find. Sometimes it's money (I once found 20 thou, haha), a piece of old picture, or maybe a love letter you once wrote to your teenager boyfriend (wink wink). Last week I found this used recipe magazine I bought on a street. Western low fat recipe, with lots and lots of oh so delicious and easy to make dishes. Get it? Low fat = no salt, no (less sugar) = Rasyad meals. This recipe below I modified so can suit Rasyad's. It is one of my fav. It's so easy to make, very healthy, and sure did delicious. I wrote the Indonesian translation below.

Pasta with Spinach

Ingredients for one time meal: 
- Pasta (could be macaroni, spiral shape pasta, etc)
- Half bundle of spinach (in Indonesia spinach is sold in bundling), mince.
- 1 small clove of garlic
- 50 to 100 grams of cheese, shredded
- A pinch of pepper
- One table spoon of unsulted butter
- One table spoon of mincemeat 

How to make: 
1. Boil the pasta until cook and tender, set aside. 
2. Boil the spinach for 5 minute, set aside. 
3. Saute the garlic until light brown and smells good with unsulted butter, and then saute the mincemeat until brown, add pepper.
4. Get the spinach and half of the shredded cheese into the saute, stir well, turn off the stove
5. Add the other half of the cheese before serving. 

Taste best if you eat it right away.

Pasta dengan Bayam

Bahan untuk sekali makan:
- Pasta (bisa macaroni, pasta spiral, dsb)
- Setengah ikat bayam, cincang
- 1 siung kecil bawang putih
- 50-100 gram keju parut
- Sejumput lada
- 1 sdm unsulted butter
- 1 sdm daging cincang

Cara buat:
1. Rebus pasta sampai matang dan empuk, sisihkan.
2. Rebus bayam selama 5 menit, sisihkan.
3. Tumis bawang putih dengan unsulted butter sampai coklat keemasan, masukkan daging dan lada. Tumis sampai harum dan berubah warna.
4. Masukkan bayam rebus dan setengah dari keju parut, aduk rata, angkat.
5. Tambahkan sisa keju sebelum disajikan.

Langsung dimakan selagi panas, hmmm yummy... Rasyad likes this a lot!

Nb: Sorry about the used tissue in the pic background. LOL