Monday, November 15, 2010

Dancing in the Rain

It all started not long after he was born. He always have this fascination on waters. I remember one day when we bath him in his tub (by then I didn't have the nerve to do it  myself), he would clap his hands to the water as if ready to fly, and throw his feet up and down so by the end of the bathing session the whole room was full with puddle. He was laughing with his little voice, feeling so happy. He was only two months old.

When I saw that I promised to him, and more to myself, that I would take him playing in the rain when he is one year old. The promise itself is a selfish thing, as I want to be the only person to introduce life to him. Seems that the rest of the people don't know life better than I do, and all of them would only stain my innocent son. The truth: I am no better than you. It's just I love my son so much, that I can't stand to imagine others to be in his memory. Like I said, it's a selfish thing.

Growing to be a healthy and unstoppable son that he is, his love to water and rain grows. So last Saturday I broke  my own vow. I took him to a journey that all grown up people miss, all kids envy. A thing that I haven't done anymore in ages ( I think it's the 'adult thing') and missing it. I took him to play in the rain.

Since it was heavy raining and we can't play outside, I put him in the door (his Dad had put this thick wood, half door size as a sliding door to avoid rats visiting the house), where he still can see and feel the splash of rain. He stretched out his hand as if to touch the pouring rain. His eyes were blinking because of the splashed water. And he was so excited he started to screams and laugh, and looked at me with his round eyes. Suddenly I felt an urge to just do it. So then, I took him out. Holding him is my arms and dancing in the rain. The sound of the rain might beat out my singing voice, but I know he car hear it. I know my son can listen my singing heart promising to never let go of these hands. Even when the rain comes and go, I will stay. Even when things gets harder later, I will stay.

My son, it is never about waiting the storm to pass, it is about dancing in the rain.

Bunda loves Rasyad


  1. i remember the time when me, you, and my sis went to trina's house drenched in rain once upon a time in our junior high years.. lightning may strike, but we didnt care... it was one of the best moments in my life ever.. i see you're sharing the same passion to your son.. keep the good work, sis. - Love, MK-

  2. thank you for sharing again the past memories sis. growing up with you are also one of my most memorable moments in life. xoxo

  3. your article has a deep meaning as i read it on this Mother's day. how my mom also has the similar perspective when she growth me till today. :P gitu Aja dech hehe

  4. She must be a great woman, your mom. I, myself, can't help but cry every time i think of mine. How I might have hurt her, and how I know how big is her love towards her children. Btw, have you called her to say thank you, just because it's mother's day, dear?
